If you are looking into getting a bail bond, you might be wondering how payment plans are determined. Many people think that bail bond companies only look at credit scores when determining the payment amounts. While that may be true for some bail bond companies, that is not the case at North Hills Bail Bond Store.
At North Hills Bail Bond Store, we look at more than just our clients’ credit scores when determining a payment plan for their bail bond. We look at a variety of factors when creating a personalized payment plan for our clients.
We look at all of the following:
Another thing that we look at when creating a payment plan is the number of people willing to co-sign the bail bond. The more people willing to sign, the people we can rely on to make payments. Plus, having additional people helping with the bail bond can reduce the cost for each individual because the cost gets split more ways.
Something that some clients do not realize, is that if they put up more money as the down payment, the monthly payments will be smaller. That is why bail bond companies ask for larger down payments, it makes it easier on our clients down the line. They will be much happier making small monthly payments, than they would be if they had to make big monthly payments.
If you are ready to bail your loved one out of jail with an affordable bail bond from North Hills Bail Bond Store, talk to one of our bail agents. They are available all day, every day to help our clients by creating personalized payment plans.