About Those Holiday Travel Plans…


About Those Holiday Travel Plans…


Holiday travel is inching closer and closer and with your loved one’s recent arrest, you may be wondering how that might affect your plans. Is your loved one allowed to travel while out on bail?

The answer to that question will vary. First of all, it is up to the judge to decide whether or not the defendant will be allowed to travel. Secondly, the judge may allow travel, but impose additional restrictions. For example, if the judge allows the defendant to travel, it may be decided that he or she can only travel within the state. Whether your loved one is cleared for holiday travel or not, he or she must return to show up in court as scheduled. You may have had holiday travel plans set since summer, but court obligations will not be moved around to accommodate that trip.

Talk to your bail agent and get your bail related questions answered. We can be reached online or at 818-703-7120 .