Author: crystal

California tiene algunas de las leyes de armas más restrictivas en los Estados Unidos. ¿Estás de acuerdo o en desacuerdo? ¿Cuál es su argumento en las armas, ¿dónde está usted? ¿Qué cambios cree usted que necesita ser hecho? Vamos a dejar todas esas preguntas abiertas para...

The countdown for July 4th fireworks has begun and it looks like the whole gang is a go. Wait, no. Someone is missing and you realize it is your friend who just got arrested. No worries, he or she is not going to miss your...

Asking for help something many people wish they did, when it was already too late. Ultimately, not seeking help before it was too late could have spun from all kinds of reasons: being too proud, stubborn, embarrassed, or oblivious. Asking for help should not need...