23 Oct Halloween in California During A Pandemic
Halloween is right around the corner. It’s one of those holidays that kids look forward to all year long. It’s not uncommon for kids to spend months working on a Halloween costume and planning their trick-or-treating route.
Safety and Halloween
Every single year, the news is always full of stories about people wondering if traditional trick-or-treating is safe. Concerning issues include the potential to bring poisoned candy into the house, getting hit by a car, or getting kidnapped. This year has the added complication of COVID-19.
Is it Safe to Trick-or-Treat?
The good news is that Halloween hasn’t been officially canceled in California, but lawmakers and members of the medical community are concerned. Officially they are asking people to skip the tradition of trick-or-treating this year, but they have also stated that they’re leaving the final decision to the parents.
What Should You Do
No one can tell you if you should stay at home this Halloween or if you should go trick-or-treating, you need to decide what your personal comfort levels are. If you do decide to go, there are a few things you can do.
- Use a pair of tongs to select candy from dishes/buckets
- Set a limit on the number of houses you’ll visit
- Have your kids wear gloves and face mask while trick-or-treating
- Limit your trick-or-treating to your own social circle.
- Have your kids use hand sanitizer after each house
When you get home, have your kids change their clothing and thoroughly wash their hands. It wouldn’t hurt to let their bucket of candy sit for a few days, giving any COVID-19 germs a chance to die before they infect your family.
Don’t get so wrapped up in the idea of keeping your kids safe from COVID-19 during Halloween that you forget other trick-or-treating safety maneuvers. Make sure you’re kids are decked out in reflective clothing, that they stick close to you, and that you inspect each piece of candy for tampering when you get home.
If you’re a fan of trunk-or-treating, this might be a good year to skip the trend, particularly if the event takes place indoors. The smaller space and higher volume of trick-or-treaters increases the risk of you contracting COVID-19. If you do decide to go to a trunk-or-treat event, look for one that’s outdoors.
If you decide that you don’t want to go out for Halloween, try to look for something fun you can do in your own home so your kids don’t think they’re missing out on something. Maybe through a small Halloween party that only includes your own family, or hide candy and make finding it a scavenger hunt. The important thing is to keep your kids both healthy and safe during these strange times.