One of the hardest things most of our clients struggle to wrap their minds around when they’ve been released on bail is the fact that even though they are no longer in jail, the simple fact that they have charges pending against them means that they can no longer enjoy the freedom they had prior to their arrest.
A perfect example of this is travel restrictions. When you’ve been released on bail, you’re simply not allowed to go wherever you want, whenever you want. The more severe the charges are, the more your travel will be restricted.
The travel restrictions you face will likely differ from the travel restrictions that are placed on someone else who was arrested the same day as you were. There are a few reasons for this.
The most important factor that determines how severe the travel restrictions you’ll face are is the severity of the charges that are filed against you. The more serious the charges are, the more your travel with will be restricted. You might even be required to wear a GPS device at all times once you’ve been released.
If your travel is going to be strictly limited, you’ll be told what those restrictions are before you’re officially released from jail. If nothing was said to you about traveling and restrictions and you need to travel somewhere, even if it’s just an overnight getaway a couple of hundred miles away, it’s in your best interest to contact your bail bonds agency and discuss the situation with them. Questions they’ll likely ask are:
Based on this information, the bail bonds agency will likely tell you if it’s okay for you to travel or if you should stay home instead. If you are cleared for travel, don’t be surprised if the bail bonds agency doesn’t ask you to touch base with them as soon as you return home.
If you’ve been arrested, it’s in your best interest to contact Panorama City Bail Bonds right away. We have several decades of experience. We have worked with numerous clients who are in exactly the same position as you are and are ready to write the bail bond you need to secure your release from jail. The sooner you contact us for a free consultation, the sooner you’ll be released.
Reasons to contact Panorama City Bail Bonds following your arrest include: