25 Jul Keep Pokémon Go Fun! Avoid Jail and the Potential Need for Bail
Answering phone calls, texting, checking traffic and finding alternate routes, replying to emails, there are plenty of distractions on mobile phones. Now, there is a new app that is taking over our lives: Pokémon Go. This falls under the games category, but this game is unlike any other. This one is addicting and far surpassed the majority of mobile games in popularity.
It is great that the game is doing so well since it is getting people out of their homes to walk around. It is a means for people to socialize with each other, even with strangers. Some companies are even capitalizing on the game by using it themselves for business tactics. Dog shelters are asking for game-players to walk the dogs, children hospitals are playing so the young patients can walk around the hospital and have some fun, coffee shops are offering discounts. It is quite the distraction.
However, it also can be bad. It is another distraction for many drivers on the road. First off, it is illegal to even be on a mobile device while driving; you must use a hands-free device. Unfortunately, that does not stop most Californians, and now people are also getting ticketed for playing the game while driving. The dangers are just as great for walking pedestrians too, they are getting hit by cars because they are not paying attention to their surroundings.
All we want to say is to not play Pokémon Go while driving, or be on your phone at all while driving. If you are playing the game outside, be aware of your surroundings. The last thing anyone wants is for someone to get hurt and another to be arrested for negligence. Pokémon Go is a game for fun, let us keep it that way.
If you, or someone you know, has been arrested for breaking laws like playing while driving, or any other crime, whether it is Pokémon-related or not, Bail Bond Store will definitely help bail them or you out of any California jail.