Why Immigrants Need to Know Their Rights


Why Immigrants Need to Know Their Rights


It is no secret that a significant percentage of California residents are made up of immigrants. In Los Angeles alone, there are an estimated 800,000 undocumented immigrants, many of whom came over nearly 10 years ago. This statistic comes from USC’s Center for the Study of Immigrant Integration.

Since Donald Trump became President Elect, many people have grown worried, as one of Trump’s plans is to take action against undocumented immigrants.

Immigrants have deep roots here in California, and we at San Fernando Valley Bail Bond Store want to spread awareness regarding the rights of immigrants. If you, or someone you know, are an immigrant, take action to prepare and protect yourself.

  • In the case that you, as an immigrant, are taken in, make sure someone is able to look after your kids if you have some. Also make sure loved ones know where your important papers and documents are.
  • Start the citizenship application process if you are eligible to.
  • If you are arrested, remain silent and get a lawyer. Post bail with a bail bond if you can. Do not worry, just because you are arrested does not automatically mean you are going to be deported. Even outside of your friends and family, others are there to help fight with you.

It is not an easy battle for immigrants, but it is not impossible either. Know your rights, and you will be okay.