Encino Fianzas

An arrest within a family can very easily tear family members in opposite directions, there is no doubt about that. Some will immediately do what they can to help and support the arrested family member, like paying for bail and getting a lawyer. Others may...

You think you’ve heard and seen the weirdest, strangest things like powdered eggs and an app that allows people to request another person, a stranger, to wait in line for them at a restaurant so they do not have to. Well, you haven’t seen...

Usted piensa que ha escuchado y mirado las más raras, y extrañas cosas como huevos en polvo y una aplicación que permite que gente le pida a otra persona, un extraño, esperar en línea para ellos en un restaurante para que ellos no lo tengan...

In case you haven’t heard yet, California has a new amnesty program for some people who have outstanding traffic tickets (parking tickets, tickets for reckless driving, and DUI offenses are not covered in the program). This new program began October 2015 and will run until...

En caso que usted todavía no haya escuchado, california tiene un nuevo programa de amnistía para algunas personas que tiene multas de tráfico pendientes (multas de estacionamiento, multas por manejar insensatamente, y ofensas por manejar bajo la influencia DUI no son cubiertas bajo este programa)....

Últimamente en los pasados meses han salido varias conversaciones sobre el control de armas. Y porque el tema se trata de control de armas, nunca habar alguna ley que hará o tendrá todos los críticos satisfechos. Ellos siempre estarán preocupados, siempre habrá debate, y siempre...

There has been a lot of chatter in the last few months regarding gun control. And because the topic is gun control, there will never be any laws that will make all critics satisfied. There will always be concern, there always be backlash, there...

During a defendant’s trial period, it’s not (always) fair to keep the defendant in custody. He or she has technically not yet been formally found guilty. To keep fairness (while also considering the safety of others), the opportunity to bail was introduced. Bail is set...

Una fianza no es un pago no-rembolsable que se le paga a la compañía de fianzas que saca a una persona de la cárcel. Esta persona todavía no se ha enfrentado a un juicio; libertades bajo fianza no son permitidas para esas personas que fueron...

A bail bond is a non-refundable payment to a bail agent and company that gets a person out of jail. This person has not yet stood trial; bail bond releases are not allowed for those who have been found guilty and sentenced to prison. Here...