Author: crystal

California may be known as the Golden State, with a majestic coastline, warm sunny days almost year-round, and beautiful actors and singers,but this state also has its fair share of weirdness. There have been attempts to regulate some of this by introducing some laws that,...

In the past few weeks, there have been a handful of fatal police-involved shootings that have captured the nation's attention: The shooting of Alton Sterling, an African American man, by Caucasian police The shooting of Philandro Castile, an African American man, by Caucasian police The shootings of five...

A estas alturas, seguro que ha oído hablar del juego móvil, Pokémon Go. Usted puede incluso estar jugando, pero sabe cuando usted o sus seres queridos, estan demasiado adictos al juego. Cuando haya llegado a ser tan adicto que es peligroso jugar? ¿Sabe cuándo debe...